National Dog Warden Association (NDWA)
1984 - 2019

The Dog / Animal Warden's Role

Firstly Dog Wardens are now also referred to as Animal Wardens as they increasingly have to deal with a variety of different species of lost animals - not just dogs.

Normal duties and responsibilities can include:

  • Dealing with stray dogs
  • Enforcing dog related legislation
  • Promotion of responsible dog ownership
  • Dog fouling
  • Noise pollution caused by dogs
  • Education
  • Liaising and working alongside other agencies

All Councils have to enforce the section of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 that deals with stray dogs and it is the Dog / Animal Wardens that enforce the law on behalf of the Councils for whom they work.

It is also the role of the Dog / Animal Warden to educate the public about their role and legal responsibilities under the Animal Welfare Act as pet owners. This might involve them visiting local schools to try and educate the children about the responsibilities involved in owning a pet.

Further animal welfare legislation such as the Dangerous Dog Act can be found at

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