National Dog Warden Association (NDWA)
1984 - 2019


Fri, 09 Jun 2017

Commencing Monday 3rd July  2017 Royal Mail will be running its annual Dog Awareness Week.  Royal Mail would like to encourage you and your Dog Warden Service/Animal Welfare Service to support this week by attending a Royal Mail Delivery Office in your area to support the messages they wish to deliver.  On the mornings of  Tuesday 4th July 2017 and Tuesday 11th July 2017 all Royal Mail delivery units will be holding a 25-30 minute briefing session which will focus on Dog Awareness Week and the hazard Royal Mail employees face from dogs when they deliver mail to customers.

If you are able to support the week in some way please e-mail your contact details with the preferred date that you are able to carry out a Dog Safety Talk to:

Nicholas will forward your details to the local SHE advisor who will be in touch to arrange a visit to a high impacting unit in the vicinity of your respective area.

The intention of the week is to raise the profile of dogs as a hazard to employees of Royal Mail as up to 3,000 Royal Mail staff a year are attacked by dogs whilst carrying out their work.

For Dog Awareness Week 2017 the Royal Mail would like colleagues to carry out a Dog Safety Talk that incorporates the following mnemonic:

There is a &lsquoTop 10&rsquo of dog attacks in postcode areas around England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales that the Royal Mail will be sending out once it has been fully compiled with the latest up to date information on the number of attacks.  This will be sent out at a later date.

If you are able to help our Royal Mail colleagues with a Dog Safety Talk in your jurisdiction you will be contributing to reducing the number of attacks on Royal Mail staff.  If you do not carry out safety talks, would you please forward this email to your appropriate colleague at your Local Authority.

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