National Dog Warden Association (NDWA)
1984 - 2019

Illegally Imported Puppies

Wed, 08 May 2013
Local Authority Trading Standards are currently seeing a huge increase in the number of puppies being sold over the internet, these puppies have originated in EU countries usually Poland, Hungary, Slovakia or Lithuania they have passports showing rabies vaccination, but the vaccination has been carried out to early, usually at 8 weeks of age.  Most of the rabies vaccinations are licensed to be used at a minimum of 10 - 12 weeks of age.
In the past month Hampshire have quarantined 11 puppies and traced a further 22 in other Counties, which were sold by a Hampshire seller, these have also been placed in quarantine.  This obviously has a huge impact on the purchasers of these puppies, as well as the emotional impact they are also responsible for the cost of quarantine which is approximately £700.
People living outside Hampshire should contact their own county's trading standards department for similar issues.
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