National Dog Warden Association (NDWA)
1984 - 2019

What To Do If You Find A Pet

The National Dog Warden Association or the NDWA is frequently contacted by members of the public who have found a pet that appears to be a stray. Below is a general Q & A helpful tips section with procedures and possible legal implications that you should be aware of with regard to Dogs.

Q. I have found a dog - who do I contact?

You must contact the local authority in the area in which the dog was found to enable a record to be made. You must then return the dog to its owner (where the owner is known) or hand the dog over to the local authority. If you fail to comply with this procedure you may be prosecuted for theft of the animal you found.

Q. I have found a dog and I want to keep hold of it.

You must still follow the procedure for the above question as the Dog Warden may know the person who has lost the dog.

Q. Who else can I contact if I find a dog?

The PETtrac Database also has a list of missing MicroChipped pets on it's website.

For Dog Wardens Missing Dogs About NDWA
Copyright © National Dog Warden Association (NDWA) 2012 - 2025. All rights reserved.